
Curricular Practical Training Eligibility

To be eligible for Curricular Practical Training:

  • You must be in good academic and immigration status. 
  • You must have completed at least one full academic year under your current SEVIS ID#/record.
  • You must be pursuing a full course of study, except during official school breaks and vacations. 
  • CPT is considered off-campus employment (paid or unpaid) and requires authorization from SISS before you can begin. 
  • If an internship is not required for your degree (typically the case), then you will need to be enrolled in at least one "internship" or "research" unit during the quarter or session in which you seek CPT authorization. Please note that a unit of internship or research will also be required for each Summer Session for an entire summer CPT authorization and Summer Session tuition and fees will apply.
  • Any on-campus work may affect your ability to obtain CPT authorization.  Learn more about the CPT authorization policy as a graduate student or as an undergraduate student.

  • CPT Start Date: 
    • CPT is approved for one quarter at a time. CPT employment can start the day after the quarter ends date of the previous quarter as listed on the Master Academic Calendar.  For example, fall CPT can start as early as the day after summer session II ends
  • CPT End Date: 
    • CPT employment must end by the day before the instruction begins date of the following quarter as listed on the Master Academic Calendar.  For example, fall CPT can end as late as the day before winter quarter instruction begins
    • End dates may be extended past the instruction begins date of the following term up until the 12th day of instruction on a limited case by case basis if the situation meets all the following criteria:
      • The employment is a degree requirement
      • The extension is required by the employer to engage in the employment/internship
      • The student can provide documentation from their academic advisor or graduate program coordinator of the degree requirement and the need for the extension
    • For students engaging in CPT in their final quarter, the employment end date must be on or by the quarter ends date of that final quarter
  • Summer CPT: 
    • Summer session I CPT employment can start the day after the spring quarter ends date and end the day before the start of summer session II as listed on the Master Academic Calendar
    • Summer session II CPT employment can start the day after the end of summer session I and end by the day before the fall quarter instruction begins date as listed on the Master Academic Calendar
    • Entire summer CPT employment can start the day after the quarter ends date of spring term and end the day before the fall quarter instruction begins date as listed on the Master Academic Calendar
    • Students seeking to engage in summer CPT that is not a degree requirement of your academic program as listed in the course catalog will need to enroll in at least 1 unit of internship (undergraduates) or research (gradates) courses for each summer session or 1 unit in the Special summer session. (Summer session tuition and fees will apply)
    • If a summer session term will be your final term only part-time CPT (20 hours or less per week) is allowed
  • Filing Fee: Graduate students on filing fee are not eligible for CPT during the filing fee term