hand up saying no

Preventing Scams

How to prevent a scam

If you receive a threatening call or message from someone claiming to be a government official, member of law enforcement, representative of a reputable company or organization, or representative of the university:

  • Do not answer any personal questions or give any financial information
  • Independently verify their phone number, and call them to make sure you are talking to who you think you are
  • If you receive a phone call from someone demanding money, accusing you of a crime, or threatening deportation, do not engage with the caller. Immediately hang up.
  • Do not give money to anyone without first getting advice from SISS or the UC Davis Police Department

If you find a housing opportunity that seems too good to be true:

  • Avoid sending money in exchange for keys to see or rent a property
  • Insist on meeting a landlord or property manager in person before signing a lease or paying any money
  • Research the property and landlord before paying any money — ask for references, check property records, and read online reviews

If you receive a suspicious email or message from a stranger:

  • Be suspicious of emails you didn’t expect to receive
    • Verify emails that ask for personal information by independently looking up the sender's contact information
    • Generic subject line: Legitimate emails usually have details subject lines. A vague subject line can be a key indicator of a scam.
    • Suspicious URL: Hover over links included in emails to see the actual destination of the URL. Do not click links from unknown senders.
    • Improper use of copyright or trademark: Watch for improper use of copyright or trademark information. This is used to make a scam email look official.
    • Bad grammar/spelling: Scam emails often contain misspelled words and bad grammar. This is a sign that the email did not come from a professional organization or real person you may know.
    • Unnecessary urgency: Use your intuition and if something "feels" wrong, consider calling the organization or office directly to validate the email. 
  • Never click on unknown links or files in emails, text messages, or on social media sites
  • Never reveal your password to anyone
  • Beware of emails asking for login or other private or personal information

infographic for recognizing a scam
This is a sample of a fraudulent email - review the red flags listed above