Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) staff serve international students and scholars from over 100 countries. In fall 2021, Chinese students accounted for more than 70 percent of all degree-seeking international undergraduates, and nearly 40 percent of international graduate students. As an Aggie community, we can help these students feel more welcome and deepen their sense of belonging by properly pronouncing their names.
When coming into a new environment, finding an uplifting community is vital for feeling welcomed, unafraid, and eager to explore. Through the Global Ambassador Mentorship Program at UC Davis, new first-year and transfer undergraduate international students are matched with current students based on similar social and academic interests in order to foster a greater sense of belonging and friendship. Through social events like group dinners in downtown Davis and craft nights, new students and their mentors share their cultures and develop relationships based on cultural awareness and mutual appreciation.
International students and scholars may have questions as they plan for fall 2021. While we recognize that the environment continues to evolve, Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) within Global Affairs continue to actively pursue answers and explanations. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions from international students, scholars, and their families, with answers we hope help as you plan.
We continue to follow the developments of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and monitor situations on campus and around the world. Your safety, wellbeing, and educational experience are our priorities.
The U.S. election and socio-political strife can be stressful on their own. Combined with today’s challenges, they may feel even more overwhelming. We encourage you to find healthy and supportive ways to communicate about and address your concerns, stress, and anxiety. Please remember that everyone at UC Davis wants you to succeed and achieve your goals.
UC Davis is offering short-term, emergency housing for campus affiliates—including visiting international scholars and student researchers and their families—who have been impacted by evacuations or lost their homes due to wildfires in Northern California. The university can offer stays of up to five days to campus affiliates who need somewhere to stay until evacuation orders are lifted and they can return home. If you are a campus affiliate who has lost a home, the university can help explore options for longer-term housing solutions.
To explore options for support, please call our HR Shared Services call center at (530) 754-4772 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. through September 1. Visiting international scholars and student researchers will need to identify their sponsoring department.
The cancellation of the traditional Commencement ceremony may be felt as a loss by our graduates. The campus all together grieves the loss of this significant annual event that celebrates their achievements.
We hope your Spring Quarter is off to a great start. Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS), within Global Affairs, is standing by to help and support you as you navigate through the various changes. We know it can be a lot to process, and want to reassure you that if you are feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by all of this new information, these are normal emotions when processing all this change; please reach out and let us help you.
As we begin Spring Quarter, Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) wants you to know that we are standing by to help and support you. We know how easy it is to feel isolated and anxious in this era of social distancing and self-quarantining. Below, you will find more information about resources available to you as Spring Quarter gets started, and about how to schedule a phone or online appointment with your SISS Advisor.