Reminder of Resources for Addressing Stress During Uncertain Times
The U.S. election and socio-political strife can be stressful on their own. Combined with today’s challenges, they may feel even more overwhelming. We encourage you to find healthy and supportive ways to communicate about and address your concerns, stress, and anxiety. Please remember that everyone at UC Davis wants you to succeed and achieve your goals.
Resources for Addressing Stress During Uncertain Times
For students
- UC Davis Counseling Services (may be limited to students inside the U.S. or California only)
- Tips for Managing Socio-political Stress, created for Aggies by Aggies
- Each Aggie Matters
- You Got This workshops
- Student Health and Counseling Services podcasts
- Healthy UC Davis: Resources for Health and Well-being (undergraduate students)
- Healthy UC Davis: Resources for Health and Well-being (graduate and professional program students)
- Academic Assistance and Tutoring
- Undergraduate academic advising
- Graduate academic advising