
UC Davis Receives Open Doors 75 Seal of Excellence

UC Davis is honored to receive the Open Doors 75 Seal of Excellence, which recognizes our participation in the Institute of International Education’s Open Doors survey since its inception in 1949.

Global Ambassador Mentorship Program Welcomes New International Undergraduate Students to UC Davis

With the start of the fall quarter, UC Davis welcomes new first-year and transfer international undergraduate students to campus. As the students adjust to their new home, they have the opportunity to receive mentorship, support and guidance through the Global Ambassador Mentorship Program. Administered by Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) within Global Affairs, the Global Ambassador Mentorship Program helps students adapt to life at UC Davis and in the United States.

How to Pronounce Chinese Names

Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) staff serve international students and scholars from over 100 countries. In fall 2021, Chinese students accounted for more than 70 percent of all degree-seeking international undergraduates, and nearly 40 percent of international graduate students. As an Aggie community, we can help these students feel more welcome and deepen their sense of belonging by properly pronouncing their names. 

Becoming a Mentor, Becoming a Friend

When coming into a new environment, finding an uplifting community is vital for feeling welcomed, unafraid, and eager to explore. Through the Global Ambassador Mentorship Program at UC Davis, new first-year and transfer undergraduate international students are matched with current students based on similar social and academic interests in order to foster a greater sense of belonging and friendship. Through social events like group dinners in downtown Davis and craft nights, new students and their mentors share their cultures and develop relationships based on cultural awareness and mutual appreciation.

Congratulations, Class of 2021

In celebration of your hard work, dedication, resilience, and determination, Services for International Students and Scholars and Global Affairs has a special message for the graduating international students in the Class of 2021.

Reminder of Resources for Addressing Stress During Uncertain Times

The U.S. election and socio-political strife can be stressful on their own. Combined with today’s challenges, they may feel even more overwhelming. We encourage you to find healthy and supportive ways to communicate about and address your concerns, stress, and anxiety. Please remember that everyone at UC Davis wants you to succeed and achieve your goals.