Invitation to Students to Share your UC Davis Story
Dear UC Davis International Students,
This spring, incoming and transferring international students will select a university where they will pursue their education. We invite you to encourage and welcome fellow international students by sharing your UC Davis story in a short letter to these students.
We invite you to share your UC Davis experience in fewer than 500 words in your native language and in English. Your letter, including your name, city/province and country of origin, and major, may be selected to be sent to prospective UC Davis students through direct outreach, or used on websites or social media. If your letter is chosen, Global Affairs will send you a gift.
In your letter, please use examples and be specific when you can. For example, if you have found friends and a community at UC Davis through student groups, please name the groups. And remember: by fall 2021 when these students begin, we hope to all be back in person on campus, so please share any experiences at UC Davis from before COVID-19.
Below are some ideas to get you started. You are welcome to choose one or more of these topics or share another story to help future Aggies as they make this important decision.
- What made you choose UC Davis?
- How did you know UC Davis was the right university for you?
- What are some of the best parts about your major or academic program?
- What have you learned about UC Davis since coming to campus that you didn’t know before?
- How have you made friends or social connections and found a sense of community at UC Davis?
- Are there any student groups, campus offices or resources you’ve found particularly valuable?
- What are some activities, events, groups, traditions, etc. on campus that you have enjoyed?
- What does it mean to you to be an Aggie?
- What are your favorite things to do in California or in the U.S.?
- If you could go back and give yourself advice about life at UC Davis, what would you tell yourself? What would you want to remind yourself to discover, or make sure you do the same or earlier?
Your letter should be addressed to Dear Future Aggies, include your own words about your UC Davis experience, and should be signed from you with your full name or first name and last initial, city/province and country of origin, major, and expected graduation date. Please also include 1-3 photos from your time at UC Davis or in California that we could use with your letter, or online.
Please send your letters to siss@ucdavis.edu with the subject line: Dear Future Aggies.
Thank you and best wishes this quarter,
Your friends at Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) within Global Affairs