Frequently Asked Questions about Taxes

General Information for those Eligible for Glacier Tax Prep (GTP)

  • How can SISS help me with my taxes?
    • The SISS office does not have tax expertise and cannot provide answers to questions regarding taxes.
    • To help, SISS offers free access to Glacier Tax Prep (GTP), a tax preparation program that assists international students and scholars in "nonresident" status to file a Federal tax return. In the United States a “tax return” is a form on which a taxpayer makes an annual statement of income and personal circumstances, used by the tax authorities to assess liability for tax.  Those eligible to use this service are any international student or scholar who was present at UC Davis any time during 2023. Those eligible should expect to receive an email with access in early March.
    • The GTP program should be able to help answer your tax questions.
  • What can GTP help me with?
    • Determines your U.S. tax residency status
    • Determines eligible tax deductions, allowances, and credits
    • Reviews eligibility to claim income tax treaty exemptions
    • Calculates TAX REFUND (or tax due).  Prepares ALL required federal tax returns, statements, and forms (including ITIN Application) for YOU and your nonworking SPOUSE and CHILDREN
  • Do I need to file State taxes?
    • To find out if you need to file a state tax form, please visit the State of California Franchise Tax Board's "Part-Year Resident and Nonresident" webpage for more information. You can also chat live with a representative from the State of California Franchise Tax Board to answer general questions regarding personal income tax or get help with their website. 
    •  You can also consider using Sprintax, a tax preparation program to help file state taxes.

Additional Tax Information 

  • What is the deadline to file my taxes?
  • Most people must submit their tax returns by mid-April.  Please visit the IRS When to File webpage for more information on tax filing deadlines.
  • Can I get the access code to Glacier Tax Prep (GTP)?
  • SISS office issues the access code. They will emailed the access code in late early March from the email address of
  • How do I get a Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)?
  • Please visit our Social Security webpage for more information on obtaining an SSN or ITIN.

Visit the UC Davis Finance & Business website for more FAQs
