A Message to the UC Davis International Community
Dear UC Davis International Community,
The last year, last months, last days, and last hours have been painful, tense, unpredictable, violent and yet full of never-ending hope. George Floyd, in the words of his daughter, “changed the world,” leaving a legacy of a new reckoning against systemic racism—with too many before him being taken from us: Stephon Clark, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Daunte Wright, and many others. Just hours before the verdict was announced, Ma’Khia Bryant’s name was added to that long list of those who have been senselessly and tragically killed.
The murder verdict of Derek Chauvin is a step forward as it brought accountability. Much more has to be done and our engagement and actions have to continue. Our collective commitment to striving for justice and elimination of hate crimes, discrimination, exclusion and inequities has to and will persist so that every member of our communities can feel safe.
While that process carries on, please take care of your own well-being and others around you. There are numerous UC Davis resources available. The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion posted an inspiring video by Vice Chancellor Renetta Garrison Tull sharing her thoughts on the guilty verdict and reminding us to take care of ourselves and each other. The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is hosting Racial Healing Circles on April 28 and May 17.
Here are more campus resources for students, scholars, faculty and staff:
- For students in the U.S.: You may find that talking to someone is helpful in processing everything you are going through. Make an appointment through Student Health and Counseling Services, which provides services to all registered students in the U.S.
- For scholars, faculty, and staff in the U.S.: The Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) offers confidential and cost-free assessment, counseling, consultation, and referral services to all UC Davis and UC Davis Health faculty, staff, and families. For scholars located in Davis, please call (530) 752-2727 for an appointment. For scholars in Sacramento, please call (916) 734-2727 for an appointment.
- More health and well-being resources for international students and scholars are available on our Services for International Students and Scholars (SISS) website.
As we care for our community and continue to do more to fight systemic racism, the UC Davis Principles of Community are a reminder of our shared commitment to fostering a caring, inclusive and equitable environment. All of us in Global Affairs at UC Davis stand with you in community.
Joanna Regulska
Vice Provost and Dean - Global Affairs
Professor of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
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