On-Campus Employment Overview
As a student in F-1 or J-1 status, you may work on-campus up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and full-time during school vacation periods.
You may work 40 hours per week if summer is your first or last semester of enrollment at UC Davis under certain conditions. Please consult with your SISS International Student Advisor to confirm eligibility. On-campus employment includes any job for which the University of California, Davis will pay you. It might also include work with commercial firms performed on school premises if such work provides a direct service to students (such as the CoHo). Finally, some graduate students may be authorized to work at off-campus locations that are educationally affiliated with the school. This affiliation may be through association with the school's established curriculum, or related to contractually funded research projects at the post-graduate level. Before you accept any such employment, you should check with SISS that it complies with the regulations to be considered on-campus employment. Your on-campus employment must stop once you complete your studies.
All J-1 employment must be authorized before starting employment. Authorization can be requested in iGlobal.
What you need
- Students will need to fill out paperwork to be employed by the university. You must complete a Form I-9 via the Tracker Electronic I-9 system (access provided by hiring unit) prior to working on-campus.
- You will need to get a Social Security Number if you do not already have one. More information can be found on our Social Security page.