girl working with a test tube in a lab

STEM OPT Extension

STEM OPT Extension Overview

Students in F-1 status who are currently on OPT can extend their work authorization an additional 24-months total if they meet certain criteria. Students who extend are required to maintain their F-1 status under STEM OPT Extension regulations.  Official Department of Homeland Security guidance on the STEM OPT Extension regulations can be used as a resource if needed. 


To be eligible for the 24-Month STEM OPT Extension (STEM OPT Extension), you must meet all requirements below: 

  • Currently on approved Post-Completion Optional Practical Training
  • Program of study is in a STEM-designated field
    • Every major has a numerical code, known as a CIP code.  You can find the CIP code for your major on page 1 of your I-20 (example: 11.0701 Computer Science) and check if it appears on the STEM-designated degree list
    • Graduate students must have either received the degree, or completed all coursework requirements for the degree (with only the dissertation / thesis / project remaining).
  • Have a valid job offer from an employer. Employment is directly related to the STEM degree, paid, and at least 20 hours per week. No self-employment. Employment may be virtual/remote
  • Employer must be enrolled and in good standing in the USCIS E-Verify system
  • Have used 90 days or less of your unemployment eligibility. Download this excel file to calculate your unemployment if needed
  • You and your employer complete and sign the I-983 Training Plan 

How to Apply 

Before you Apply 

Step 1: Create a USCIS Account 

Step 2: Prepare a DRAFT of the I-765 application. Do not submit the I-765 application yet. 

  • Follow Part 2 of the I-765 Application Instructions to fill out the I-765 application and upload the required documents. 
    • You will need the employer’s E-Verify number and the company name as listed in E-Verify 
    • When uploading documents to the Evidence section, the “Form I-20” upload should be left blank at this time.  
  • Click “View draft snapshot” to download a pdf of your draft I-765 application.  
Screen capture of the I-765 application online with red boxes calling attention to the two areas referred to in the directions on this page: one in the left column under "Review and Submit" highlighting "Your Application Summary," and one in the main page content to "View Draft Snapshot."
  • DO NOT pay the I-765 filing fee or submit your application to USCIS yet! Doing so will result in the denial of your application. Go directly to step 3. 

Step 3: Request an I-20 with a STEM OPT Extension recommendation in iGlobal  

Example of how to file a STEM OPT Extension request in iGlobal
  • Complete the e-forms and upload the following documents: 
  • Once your request for an I-20 with a STEM OPT Extension is submitted, allow up to 2 weeks for your request to be processed.  

Step 4: Upload your I-20 with the STEM OPT Extension recommendation to your I-765 application 

  • You will receive an email once your request has been processed and your SISS Advisor will inform you if they notice any errors on your I-765 application.
    • SISS reviews the I-765 application as a courtesy, but you are responsible for ensuring that your I-765 application is complete and accurate.
  • Log in to your iGlobal portal to download your I-20 with the STEM OPT Extension recommendation. Print the I-20 and sign in ink (not electronically).  
  • Upload a clear copy of your signed I-20 with the STEM OPT recommendation (all pages) to the I-765 application in your USCIS account.  
  • Refer to Part 4 of the I-765 Application Instructions for details. 

Step 5: Pay the Filing Fee and Submit your I-765 Application to USCIS 

  • You must file the I-765 application to USCS in the 90-day period before your current EAD expires. Determine your customized application timeline by downloading the STEM OPT Extension Calculator. Applying too early or too late will result in denial of your application. 
    • If your application is rejected/denied after your current EAD expires, you will not be eligible to reapply.
  • You must file the I-765 application within 60 days of the date SISS recommended your STEM Extension OPT (refer to the “Date Issued” on page 1 of your I-20). 
  • Follow Part 5 of the I-765 Application Instructions to pay the I-765 filing fee and submit your I-765 application to US Citizenship and Immigration Services. 

Premium Processing (I-907) Information

  • USCIS states they will take adjudicative action on an OPT request within 30 days of submission when Premium Processing is requested. 
  • NOTE: Premium Processing is a substantial fee in addition to the USCIS I-765 filing fee. 
  • It is optional and can be requested at the time of filing the I-765 application to USCIS or at any point after, until USCIS has adjudicated the application. I-765 application and Premium Processing fees are non-refundable if the I-765 application is denied by USCIS. 


Schedule an appointment with your Tier 2 advisor if you need to discuss your specific situation. Schedule an appointment with a Tier 1 advisor if you have questions about filling out your I-765 application or the required documentation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How many days of unemployment do I receive under STEM OPT?
  • F-1 students with OPT are allowed a total of 90 days unemployment during their initial 12 months of OPT. Any unused days from the first 12 months are rolled over into STEM OPT, and students with STEM OPT receive an additional 60 days of allowed unemployment. It is vital that you keep SISS updated with your employer information to avoid being erroneously viewed as unemployed. Consider tracking your unemployment days using the unemployment calculator.
  • Can I continue to work while my 24-month OPT STEM Extension is pending with USCIS?
  • If the I-765 is properly and timely filed, the student's standard post-completion OPT EAD is considered automatically extended pursuant to 8 CFR 274a.12(b)(6)(iv), for up to 180 days while the STEM OPT extension EAD application is pending. 
  • What if I do not have a Social Security Number?
  • Students who are being paid for work in the United States must obtain a Social Security Number (SSN). You can request a SSN using the I-765. If you already filed your I-765 and did not request a SSN, you must go in-person to a Social Security Administration office to apply for a SSN.
  • Can I travel during STEM OPT?
  • When returning, please present the following items to the Border Patrol Officer:

    1. Passport (not expiring in the next 6 months)

    2. Unexpired F-1 visa

    3. I-20 signed for travel in the past 6 months and showing your current employment information

    4. Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Card

    5. Job offer letter or letter from your employer on letterhead stating that you will be expected to return to work on mm/dd/yyyy following your travel.  Make sure to include contact information for your employer/supervisor.  If the travel is authorized by your employer, you do not count unemployment dates during your period of travel.

    If you plan to renew your F-1 visa during travel, also prepare:

    1. Proof of employment with funds sufficient to cover living expenses (such as job offer, letter from employer, pay stubs received, and/or bank statement)

    2. A copy of your I-983 (may be requested)

    3. Any other documentation asked for by the embassy/consulate.

    Travel while STEM OPT is pending is not advised.

  • If my employer has obtained an H-1B for me, effective this coming October, do I still need the extension?
  • If my employer has obtained an H-1B for me, effective this coming October, do I still need the extension? The H-1B cap-gap extension states that the duration of your F-1 status and work authorization will be automatically extended for a student on OPT who is the beneficiary of a timely filed H-1B petition requesting an employment start date of October 1 of the following fiscal year. This applies to all students on OPT, not just STEM students. The extension of duration of status and work authorization would automatically terminate upon the rejection, denial, or revocation of the H-1B petition filed on the student's behalf. This will allow the continuation of employment between the expiry of OPT and the start of the H-1B without filing for the 24-month extension for all students on OPT.

    Students are strongly encouraged to stay in close communication with their petitioning employer during the Cap-Gap extension period for status updates on the H-1B petition processing. 

    Students can request a Cap-Gap I-20 with evidence of an H-1B petition selected for processing by USCIS through iGlobal (log on through Limited Services). 

  • How do I change my address with USCIS?
  • Change your address through your USCIS online account.
  • Can I change employers while on STEM OPT?
  • Yes, you can change employers on STEM OPT. If you are changing STEM OPT employers, you will need to go into iGlobal and submit a STEM OPT New Employer report noting the new employer and uploading a new I-983 training plan report for the new employment and then complete a STEM OPT Employment Change report noting the end of employment with any previous employers and uploading a completed final evaluation from page 5 of the I-983 training plan with that employer.
  • Can I change employers while STEM OPT is pending?
  • Yes. You may change employers while STEM OPT is pending. Please contact your official SISS International Student Advisor for details.
  • What NAICS code, EIN and E-Verify number do I use for the I-983?
  • What NAICS code, EIN and E-Verify number do I use for the I-983?

    NAICS code: 61131

    Employer Name: University of California

    EIN: 94-3067788

    This information is ONLY for F-1 students on STEM OPT who are working for UC Davis

    E-Verify: 1219005

  • What if my EAD is never delivered, is lost or stolen, or is there is an error on the EAD?
  • If your EAD was not delivered or is lost or stolen, please follow these instructions 
    If your EAD arrives and you notice an error on the card, please follow these instructions 

SISS Disclaimer

Information from SISS is intended to provide you with general guidance and should not under any circumstances be considered or interpreted as legal advice. 
US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and Department of State (DOS) may change their interpretations of established immigration laws/regulations and eligibility requirements for benefits at any time. 
SISS reviews application materials as a courtesy and makes recommendations based on our current knowledge regarding common errors. As an international student, it is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete and correct, and to seek legal advice concerning any aspect of your application that may be needed.